Since Elegant Lock & Key planted roots in Scranton, PA, everybody is visiting Montage Mountain. The beautiful resorts attracting people from all around the US. And even though Uber and Lyft are ubiquitous services, people still use their cars to come to the resort.
If you celebrate at the Peach Festival, Spring or Fall Wine Festival, Yoga & Brew Festival, keep your car keys in a safe place.
Those big events such as the festivals, the waterpark, and the ski resort are places where keys can get lost easily. 99% of the calls we get from Montage Mountain are for our automotive locksmith services.
A Sticky Car Lockout Situation
This week (July 3rd, 2021), we have locked out three car owners that lost their keys at the Peach Festival. In no time, fifteen minutes, as a matter of fact, we were there. Our locksmith storefront is located in the middle of Scranton (802 N Washington Ave).

The lockout process is fast and affordable. Do not attempt to break your window and charge the insurance for that; It’s too risky; listen to this story:
M is a big guy from Clarks Summit. After overnight camping, he was unsure if the keys were lost or forgotten under the driver’s seat. M called me that morning and asked for a quote for a Toyota lockout. “Eighty-five dollars for the Lockout,” I asked. The reason for that price is due to his car model. Some Toyota, Lexus, BMW, and Mercedes are tough to lockout due to the door frame and the buttons they’ve used, even with a proper tool.
M didn’t want to pay, so he had a brilliant idea. He will break the windshield and charge the insurance later on. M throw a heavy stone on the windshield, and glass particles went into his leg and hands. And the key was not there.
After the second call, I understood it is an emergency. I rushed to help M and his friend (with a big icy coke bottle). I made a new Toyota key and programmed it. In addition, I gave M another brass key to keep in a safe place so at least next time he will be able to open the door safely.
A new car key made
On a different event on Montage Mountain, a 2016 Chrysler Town & Country owner damaged his car key remote at the waterpark. In the first place, I tried to repair the damaged car key.
TIP: When your car keys get wet or soaked in water, first thing open it and separte the parts and let them dry. Otherwize, corosion will start.
After a few tries, I went to the car to find a key for the 2015 Honda. We buy such car signs in bulk. These remote keys tend to damage quickly. Once I found the right key, with Lishey’s help, I deciphered the key’s code. I went to the cutting machine and made a simple iron key to see if I was right. After five minutes, the cut key worked properly. I cut the key built into the remote and connected my computer to the car. Twelve more minutes, and the couple set off. Not before they left me an excellent review on Google.